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European Open Science Cloud - EU Node

Cloud Container Platform

Cloud Container
Cloud Container Platform

Deploy cloud-native containerised applications that can easily scale.

Service Overview

The Cloud Container Platform streamlines the deployment of containerised applications, making research workflows smoother and more efficient. Based on OKD, the community distribution of Kubernetes that powers Red Hat OpenShift, it is compatible with OCI (Open Container Initiative), Docker, Kubernetes, and more. The platform automates crucial tasks such as deployment, scaling, and management of containerised applications.

Ensuring robust security with network isolation and encryption, this service allows developers and research teams to focus on innovation without the complexities of infrastructure management. Its user-friendly interface enhances operational efficiency and scalability, integrating effortlessly with existing workflows and facilitating easier collaboration for teams. Free up your time and resources by leveraging this platform, allowing you to concentrate on your research instead of technical setup. 


Increased productivity 

Enhanced collaboration 

Cost efficiency

Reduced risk 

Scalability and flexibility 

Innovation enablement 


  • Orchestrated and managed containers with load balancing, service discovery, and both manual and automatic scaling. 
  • Ensured resilience with self-healing, automated backups, and dynamic storage provisioning. 
  • System health monitoring with integrated metrics, telemetry, log aggregation, and alerting services. 
  • Facilitated secure workflows with CI/CD pipelines and automated HTTPS certificates.  
  • Simplified container management with a registry, caching proxy, and secure access. 

Service Capabilities

Rapid Application Development 

Acceleration of the development, testing, and application deployment using automated pipelines. 

Microservices Architecture 

Independent deployment support and microservices scaling with built-in features like service discovery and load balancing. 

CI/CD Integration 

Deployment processes automatization by integrating with existing CI/CD tools. 

DevOps Automation 

Streamlines DevOps practices by automating application provisioning, deployment, and management.   

Multi-Tenancy and Resource Isolation 

Shared environment for multiple teams with strict resource quotas and security policies. 

How it works

With the Cloud Container Platform, deploying, scaling, and managing containerised applications using OKD becomes effortless. Applications are packaged into containers and deployed across various environments with ease. The platform automatically handles container orchestration, including load balancing and service discovery, ensuring smooth operation. Pods can be scaled manually or automatically to meet demand, and the platform takes care of dynamic storage provisioning, providing the necessary resources. Built-in security features like network isolation and encryption ensure data safety, allowing a focus on innovation and efficiency. 

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